Monday, November 27, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/23/2006 GO LONG! Social Engeneering Ploy Exploration



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


I happened upon another thought today (funny how that happens when immersed in studies and thought) - a subject I think on now and then as I observe and explore those dynamics I have described as seeing within our modern society. That thought is concerning a point in what seems to be a cyclical motion we, as a society seem again to be repeating.

Although it is in different ways this time around, it seems that we are in an area of motion and consistency that produces things inherently such as slipshod products and things designed for no longevity in use. While such things are always present to some degree, it looks as though they again have presented themselves as a larger part of the market so to speak.

As far as I can tell, this emanates directly from a consumer mentality having found its way into some form of position pertaining to decision making and standards setting, in the larger sense. Even as producers it seems as thought hings are being approached from the consumer mentality. MORE being seen as better, among other notable dispositions.

11/23/2006 as further note, this, on the larger scale can very much be as result of competing interests gaining a larger influence on such designs - more specifically, promoting such loss in standards in the interest of promoting their own efficiency. This being readily evident in the common practice in such directions being prominent in regard to things such as technology and what is known as e-commerce. One of the predominant tactics in such realms being the sabotage of a competitor in ways that make ones own "offering" look all the better. This example being at a larger level.

It has an interesting effect on the larger dynamic, including the extremes of an increase in the poverty level as well as those immediate effects of disposable existence.

When I consider what I see as brilliance of the potentials within the structure(s) we attempt to employ, I personally see more efficiency as well as more equality in other uses and directions of it beyond that progressing topical common use.

As things seem to be going, our society and market is again transforming from a more diverse - diversified use of said structure - to fewer and larger corporate bodies (affiliations). Some even having been bought out or into, from even larger foreign interests - many of which either not immediately interested in any maintenance aspects within this structure, or even the efficiency beyond reaping a profit within it.

11/23/2006 Personally, I see this approach as rather short sighted in regard to the larger potentials within a more conducive use of said designs in regard to this version of representative democracy.

This seems to have removed a considerable amount of the equilibrium which helped to produce a health within that metaphorical eco-cycle within said diversity, and further seems to have helped heighten that stagnation from the impending rigidity I have explored to some degree.

Admittedly, some of this direction is of that human tendency to see ones self as a formidable influence on even the direction on future history itself (through those interpretations and perceptions I have explored in other areas, pertaining to right and wrong for instance - seeing dominance as the key factor in such perceived importance/influence instead of the more powerful position of promoting health in real progressions) - my personal opinion, as I have put forward in several ways, is that even such effort toward those ends, actually puts you farther behind in the very ways (being controlling for instance), you may seek to exercises. Again, in that larger sense pertaining to this example.

This I believe is very relative to that effect I described concerning our capacity and potentials, and then what actually transpires through such focused, concerted effort in and for overt control - regarding the more efficient use of this mechanism.

From history, we know that one large focal point has its benefits in some forms of efficiency - but we also know that such rigid structures have grave consequence's in the same areas of effect.

From the modern approaches to said societal structures, we have found great efficiencies in more diversified points of focus - but as well have experienced great concerns and set backs within said.

When I think about it, if it were possible to gain the better elements of both methods, it would then less the chance of that rigidity and perhaps even that crippling effect of applied concept - more so the tendency to rush such applications for which ever interests. Perhaps even permitting an opportunity in greater efficiency with a more malleable transition from one state of being, to the other.

Even further, if such were applied in several places through out a given society, it seems that it would render the society regulating itself through simple existence.

The thing I am toying with in these directions, is in somehow vesting individuals of a limited number, with a type of decision making influence similar to that which is normally extended to a valued customer. Perhaps something likewise as is for television in establishing the ratings - the Nielsen homes - BUT, these individuals remain ignorant of the focus which is on them and their everyday choices, in order to avoid the troubles so common with power trips.

The biggest problem I could see in this form of social engineering, would be concerns with corruptions in the immediate peripheral sense - but then again, since it is that such a designed dynamic can be conceived of, then it is that such tendencies could be utilized as well in recognizing and then employing the ensuing consistency(ies) of the social aspects around such forms of corruption.

It seems as though such a design could serve as a rather efficient meter within society as well - but does pose the dangers of those corruptions becoming dominant of those points of focus.

Then of course another aspect which would have to be addressed, is the element of social integration. Getting a fair and equal representation from various levels of society concerned.

Another danger I can see possibly, beyond peripheral corruptions is if all (so to speak) were vested in one individual, I think this would eventually create another form of rigidity (being a limitation of sorts) and stagnation even in the more malleable potentials of it, through a too narrow focus and an over standardization.

Such a direction seems like a logical extension from the shift of power from sovereign to commerce.

I can't readily come up with a way that I would implement such a social ploy - as it seems that there would always be the possibility of that peripheral corruption (even thwarting the initial efficiency of implementing such) - especially given the tendency of people within modern society.

Then again, such a tendency is much more of a consistency than is successful application of grand ideologies - so in that then, is a possible direction of use (as stated). That is to say, to actually employ that tendency as well - if not even as a substantial base, in some way. Perhaps maximizing it in simply asserting the presence of such importance as would be seen such a point of focus? There by utilizing the tendency toward those desperate forms of corruption in a manner as to maximize the consistent aspects of said tendencies?

11/27/2006 The ol' play action fake in a much larger, social sense. Purposefully drawing those dominating and corruptive tendencies, into a self perpetuating illusion, so to speak? Thus creating (more consolidating) an area of social consistency - which represents a form of social energy (regardless of the sort, it is still a consistent motion/energy) - which can then be employed as per the consistencies and "standards" within itself. Thus transforming those tendencies toward ill results in that larger social sense, into efficient contributors through the very tendency toward corruptions in many ways. Kind of a condensed application of that larger ideology - applied.

Another aspect of this is in the fact that such a dynamic would then create for and within itself, a level of uncertainty - which again is a rather efficient social tool in that larger sense.

All of it then being very much a provider of the desired result within that larger design of providing for at least the sensation (illusion if you will) of importance - the pursuit of happiness (as it were) - even just involvement that is only as real and fulfilling as those within it, allow themselves to be - being likewise in resulting effect for those nowhere near the apex of the ol' play action fake. Even while the ploy is sustained and substantiated from even its own efforts - and further, illusion, eventually.

A concentrated focus of that established human tendency in action.

It seems though, with brief thought - that too much saturating it (the hypothetical social ploy), in such a manner as is as well a human social tendency, would act to the other extreme in polarizing it beyond efficiency. That is to say - somehow failing to become a social area - community so to speak - and further polarizing beyond its own bounds, might draw the effect of inefficiency onto the ploy itself?

Then again, applied modern technology may act to some degree, in steadying and limiting such polarization in that peripheral sense. In that then, it seems would be the need to keep such peripheral effect more in the topical areas of result and effect - (that area of illusion as it were - which then again, tends to suggest that such would be most efficient within the consumer population and more related to commerce than to larger political interests). Diffused and even random to some degree - thus rendering the larger picture from the seemingly scattered pieces.

But again, this is simply an exploratory/hypothetical line of thought... even though it would seem a better use in that other form of human tendency to attempt the large scale manipulation of people with various tactics. Such seems as though it would keep both aspects of such human tendencies busy, so to speak - even rendering an area in which such fanatical power trip fantasies could be played out as well in somehow relating ones self to the design and implementation of these sort of maniacal plans!


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